Kermit was right. Being green means re-using other people's forgotten and abandoned money, which isn't always easy to find and is frequently dirty. I felt smug finding a penny and recycling it right here in front of Sustainable NYC, a business on Avenue A at Tompkins Square Park in NYC's East Village. And since Sustainable NYC has a round sign, I can also post the image on my Round Sign blog (I think round signs are a sign of economic surplus and will therefore go on the wane in coming years).
Total haul for the day = .01
TOTAL to date = .$18.78
It's early. Only me and the monkeys are awake. I swore off the internet for the entire 9 days, but i'm in a little coffee that actually has wi-fi, so what the heck.
No found bills on Presidents Day?
Swore off the Internet!? Are you for real?
The presidents were all hiding deep in leather wallets on presidents day.
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