Sunday, September 7, 2008

It's Raining Pennies

I found two pennies on the sidewalk coming down Broadway from Madison Square Park this morning.

Then I found another on the N-R-Q-W platform at Union Square.

The fourth one was found by my toddler in some shrubs in front of an apartment complex in Astoria, Queens. She loves the way I light up when she brings me filthy coins.

Speaking of toddlers in Astoria, a Greek woman of a certain age took a liking to my giant tot and asked me if she could give her a dollar. I couldn't believe my ears. Was someone really trying to put cash in our hands for fun!? I said, "Beg your pardon" since I was not familiar with this custom - my kid clearly has not lost any teeth yet. The woman repeated her request - could she give my daughter a dollar. I thought it would be rude to say no so I said, with a large grin, sure. The kid was way more interested in her black & white cookie and ignored the dollar (I helped tuck it in the pocket) but she said thank you any way (after being instructed to do so) and Yaya was happy. (This dollar, however lovely and windfallish, does not qualify as found and will not be included in the day's tally. In fact, it almost didn't make it past the .99 store any way since my kid had her eye on a certain cheap watering can.)

Can anyone give me tips on relocating to Greece?

Total haul today = .04

TOTAL to date = $11.02

1 comment:

Ming the Merciless said...

I didn't know you have a tot! Wow, congratulations.